En la clase de ambiente, desarrollo y sociedad se nos ha encomendado que hagamos un mapa visual a partir de un artículo sobre economía circular.
EconomíaCircular de Juli Erausquin
High School Julian
viernes, 27 de octubre de 2017
martes, 17 de octubre de 2017
¿La poesía encontrada es arte?
Se lo denomina "Poesía encontrada" a un poema en el que se toma un texto no literario y se lo separa en distintas líneas y resignificar el texto que queda. Esta práctica es muy discutida en el texto "Uncreative writing" de Kenneth Goldsmith, ya que no es considerado un arte literario y se lo toma como "plagio". Esto también es visto en la película argentina "El artista", donde el personaje principal es un enfermero que cuida a un hombre mayor que ama dibujar, y utiliza sus dibujos para subir a la fama y ganar dinero.
Un ejemplo de poesía encontrada es el siguiente:
"Alumnos ideales:
Nuestro objetivo es
formar alumnos participativos
que piensen, analicen e investiguen, desarrollando su capacidad reflexiva
y su protagonismo en el planteo
y la resolución de problemas."
Este es un extracto de un cuaderno de comunicaciones y como se puede ver, no es literario si se lee todo junto y sin su título. Esto puede ser visto como mucha gente como algo que no es arte, pero para mucha otra gente, a su manera, si lo es.
Un ejemplo de poesía encontrada es el siguiente:
"Alumnos ideales:
Nuestro objetivo es
formar alumnos participativos
que piensen, analicen e investiguen, desarrollando su capacidad reflexiva
y su protagonismo en el planteo
y la resolución de problemas."
Este es un extracto de un cuaderno de comunicaciones y como se puede ver, no es literario si se lee todo junto y sin su título. Esto puede ser visto como mucha gente como algo que no es arte, pero para mucha otra gente, a su manera, si lo es.
lunes, 4 de septiembre de 2017
Dead Poets Society
In Thinking Skills class, my group had to watch the movie "Dead Poets Society" and make a presentation by answering some questions about it:
jueves, 31 de agosto de 2017
Alcohols and their properties
Alcohol is a beverage which is consumed mainly by adults all over the world. Along this post, it will analysed some of the alcohols and their characteristics, such as how they are produced and how there is chemistry in the processes.
In order to measure alcohols it is used the alcohol by volume or ABV, which is the standard measure of how much ethanol is contained in a certain volume of an alcoholic drink. The bigger the percentage of alcohol in volume, the more toxic it will be.
With this said, some of the consequences of consuming too much alcohol to the human body will be explained: many of the alcoholic drinks have ethyl alcohol; which in addition of the amount that the drinker has, may lead to a blood alcohol concentration or BAC, which is generally expressed as the percentage of ethanol in blood in alcohol/volume. This are some of the consequences that may be caused in relation with the percentage of alcohol in blood:
0.03%-0.12%: causes an minimal improvement of the mood and euphoria, increases self-confidence and sociability, decreases anxiety, a sense of heat in the face and impaires judgment and fine muscle coordination.
0.09% to 0.25%: causes lethargy, sedation, balance problems and blurred vision.
0.18% to 0.30% causes confusion, strange speeches, dizziness and vomits.
0.25% to 0.40% causes unconsciousness and slightly respiratory depression.
0.35% to 0.80% causes life-threatening respiratory depression and fatal alcohol poisoning.

In order to measure alcohols it is used the alcohol by volume or ABV, which is the standard measure of how much ethanol is contained in a certain volume of an alcoholic drink. The bigger the percentage of alcohol in volume, the more toxic it will be.
With this said, some of the consequences of consuming too much alcohol to the human body will be explained: many of the alcoholic drinks have ethyl alcohol; which in addition of the amount that the drinker has, may lead to a blood alcohol concentration or BAC, which is generally expressed as the percentage of ethanol in blood in alcohol/volume. This are some of the consequences that may be caused in relation with the percentage of alcohol in blood:
0.03%-0.12%: causes an minimal improvement of the mood and euphoria, increases self-confidence and sociability, decreases anxiety, a sense of heat in the face and impaires judgment and fine muscle coordination.
0.09% to 0.25%: causes lethargy, sedation, balance problems and blurred vision.
0.18% to 0.30% causes confusion, strange speeches, dizziness and vomits.
0.25% to 0.40% causes unconsciousness and slightly respiratory depression.
0.35% to 0.80% causes life-threatening respiratory depression and fatal alcohol poisoning.
The most frequent and more known wines have aproximately from 5-10% ABV, but depending on the type, the brand and the fermentation, it may rise until 21% ABV.
The grapes are collected in bins or lugs and then transported to the crushing pad. The grapes are either cut from the vine by human hands with shears or they are removed by a machine. No matter how or when the grapes were picked, they all get crushed in some fashion in the next step. The destemmer, which is a piece of winemaking machinery that does exactly what it says, removes the stems from the clusters and lightly crushes the grapes. For white wine, once crushed, the white grapes are transferred into a press, which is another piece of winemaking equipment that is literal to its name. All of the grapes are pressed to extract the juice and leave behind the grape skins. The pure juice is then transferred into tanks where sediment settles to the bottom of the tank. After a settling period, the juice is then “racked”, which means it’s filtered out of the settling tank into another tank to insure all the sediment is gone before fermentation starts. For red wine, grapes are also commonly destemmed and lightly crushed. The difference is that these grapes, along with their skins, go straight into a vat to start fermentation on their skins. This is what imparts the red color into red wine, otherwise, red grapes would also make a white wine. Yeast is added to the vats so that fermentation can take place. Carbon dioxide is released during fermentation which causes the grape skins to rise to the surface. Winemakers must punch down or pump over the “cap” several times a day to keep the skins in contact with the juice. The grapes are pressed after fermentation is complete. After racking to clarify the wine, the reds will spend several months aging in barrels.

The standard Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, and Czech vodkas are aproximately 40% ABV. The European Union has established a minimum of 37.5% ABV for any "European vodka". Products sold as "vodka" in the United States must have a minimum alcohol content of 40%.
Beer is made with four ingredients: barley, water, hops and yeast. The main idea is to extract the sugar from grains like barley and then the yeast can turn it into alcohol and CO2, creating beer. The brewing process begins with grains. The grains are harvested and processed through a process of heating, drying out and cracking. The main aim is isolating the enzymes needed for brewing so that it’s ready for the next step. Then, the grains are steeped in hot water for an hour activating enzymes in the grains that cause it to break down and release its sugars. Once it's done the water is drained from the mash which is now full of sugar from the grains. The wort is boiled for another hour while hops and other spices are added several times. Once the hour long boil is over the wort is cooled, strained and filtered. Afterwards, it is put in a fermenting vessel and yeast is added to it. At this point the brewing is complete and the fermentation begins. The beer is stored for a couple of weeks at room temperature or many weeks at cold temperatures while the yeast works its fermentation. The yeast eats up all that sugar in the wort and liberates CO2 and alcohol as waste products.

The standard Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, and Czech vodkas are aproximately 40% ABV. The European Union has established a minimum of 37.5% ABV for any "European vodka". Products sold as "vodka" in the United States must have a minimum alcohol content of 40%.
Vodka has to be distilled from any starch or sugar-rich plant matter; most vodka nowadays are produced from grains such as corn or wheat. Among grain vodkas, wheat vodkas are generally considered better. Some vodkas are made from potatoes, grapes, rice and even sugar beets.
The master distiller is in charge of distilling the vodka and directing its filtration, including the removal of "foreshots", "heads" and "tails". Those components contain flavor compounds such as ethyl acetate and ethyl lactate known as heads, as well as the fusel oils, known as tails, which generates the taste of vodka. Through lots of rounds of destillation and the use of a fractionating still, the taste is modified and a variety is made.
The master distiller is in charge of distilling the vodka and directing its filtration, including the removal of "foreshots", "heads" and "tails". Those components contain flavor compounds such as ethyl acetate and ethyl lactate known as heads, as well as the fusel oils, known as tails, which generates the taste of vodka. Through lots of rounds of destillation and the use of a fractionating still, the taste is modified and a variety is made.

There is no standard for rum ABV, as there's no regulation in different regions. For example, in the case of some countries in South America, it is required that rums contains at least 50% ABV, while in others, only 40% ABV.

There is no standard for rum ABV, as there's no regulation in different regions. For example, in the case of some countries in South America, it is required that rums contains at least 50% ABV, while in others, only 40% ABV.
Most rums are produced from molasses, which are made from sugarcanes. Yeast and water are added next to the base ingredient to begin a fermentation process. Distillers who make lighter rums, such as Bacardi, prefer using faster-working yeasts. Use of slower-working yeasts causes more esters to accumulate during the process of fermentation, allowing for a full-tasting rum. Fermentation products like 2-ethyl-3-methyl butyric acid and esters like ethyl butanoate and ethyl hexanoate rise the sweetness of rum.
Most rums are produced from molasses, which are made from sugarcanes. Yeast and water are added next to the base ingredient to begin a fermentation process. Distillers who make lighter rums, such as Bacardi, prefer using faster-working yeasts. Use of slower-working yeasts causes more esters to accumulate during the process of fermentation, allowing for a full-tasting rum. Fermentation products like 2-ethyl-3-methyl butyric acid and esters like ethyl butanoate and ethyl hexanoate rise the sweetness of rum.

Modern beer is generally around 4% to 6% ABV, anyway, it may vary between 0.5% and 20%.
Modern beer is generally around 4% to 6% ABV, anyway, it may vary between 0.5% and 20%.
Beer is made with four ingredients: barley, water, hops and yeast. The main idea is to extract the sugar from grains like barley and then the yeast can turn it into alcohol and CO2, creating beer. The brewing process begins with grains. The grains are harvested and processed through a process of heating, drying out and cracking. The main aim is isolating the enzymes needed for brewing so that it’s ready for the next step. Then, the grains are steeped in hot water for an hour activating enzymes in the grains that cause it to break down and release its sugars. Once it's done the water is drained from the mash which is now full of sugar from the grains. The wort is boiled for another hour while hops and other spices are added several times. Once the hour long boil is over the wort is cooled, strained and filtered. Afterwards, it is put in a fermenting vessel and yeast is added to it. At this point the brewing is complete and the fermentation begins. The beer is stored for a couple of weeks at room temperature or many weeks at cold temperatures while the yeast works its fermentation. The yeast eats up all that sugar in the wort and liberates CO2 and alcohol as waste products.
domingo, 13 de agosto de 2017
Que no se extinga nuestra conciencia
Al hablar de extinción, se sabe que ocurre cuando todos los miembros de una especie desaparecen del planeta. pero, ¿cuántos de ustedes sabían las causas o las consecuencias sobre este tema? En base a eso y una detallada búsqueda, obtuve información que puede responder ciertas preguntas acerca del riesgo de la extinción.
martes, 11 de julio de 2017
Alegoría sobre el corto Piper
"Piper" es un cortometraje animado de Pixar dirigido por Alan Barillaro y cuyo estreno fue en junio de 2016, como un extra antes de la película "Buscando a Dory" de la misma compañía. En el año 2017, dicho corto ganó el premio Oscar a "Mejor cortometraje animado del año"
Este simpático corto va mostrando como un pajarito intenta conseguir alimento por sus propios medios por primera vez de la orilla del mar, pero la violenta marea lo devuelve a la arena y el pobre ave termina teniéndole fobia al agua. Después de numerosos intentos y experiencias, éste descubre una manera muy excepcional de conseguir su comida y que a su vez, lo ayuda a superar sus miedos.
Este corto, al igual que otros cortos anteriores de Pixar, dejan enseñanzas muy valiosas en forma de metáforas. En este caso, se aprende como el valor es necesario para superar un miedo y dominarlo completamente y no solo se podrá alcanzar un objetivo, sino que a ese miedo se le puede sacar provecho y hacer de lo malo, algo necesario y beneficial.
El mar representa una fobia, algo con lo que tememos combatir en algún punto de nuestras vidas pero que en realidad, es más inofensivo de lo que creíamos, y el pájaro nos representa a nosotros, que al principio siempre tenemos miedo de fallar, pero una vez que nos ponemos firmes y lo enfrentamos, nos damos cuenta que en realidad, no era gran cosa. Este pichón simboliza la madurez de nuestras mentes y acciones, y nos enseña que al fracaso hay que hacerle frente y saber superarlo, que eso es fundamental para seguir nuestros caminos en la vida.
Este simpático corto va mostrando como un pajarito intenta conseguir alimento por sus propios medios por primera vez de la orilla del mar, pero la violenta marea lo devuelve a la arena y el pobre ave termina teniéndole fobia al agua. Después de numerosos intentos y experiencias, éste descubre una manera muy excepcional de conseguir su comida y que a su vez, lo ayuda a superar sus miedos.
Este corto, al igual que otros cortos anteriores de Pixar, dejan enseñanzas muy valiosas en forma de metáforas. En este caso, se aprende como el valor es necesario para superar un miedo y dominarlo completamente y no solo se podrá alcanzar un objetivo, sino que a ese miedo se le puede sacar provecho y hacer de lo malo, algo necesario y beneficial.
El mar representa una fobia, algo con lo que tememos combatir en algún punto de nuestras vidas pero que en realidad, es más inofensivo de lo que creíamos, y el pájaro nos representa a nosotros, que al principio siempre tenemos miedo de fallar, pero una vez que nos ponemos firmes y lo enfrentamos, nos damos cuenta que en realidad, no era gran cosa. Este pichón simboliza la madurez de nuestras mentes y acciones, y nos enseña que al fracaso hay que hacerle frente y saber superarlo, que eso es fundamental para seguir nuestros caminos en la vida.
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