miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015

Look before you leap

Look before you leap

In language class we creates a story that you have to think before you do something.

Use: a- 7 connectors
b- 4 examples of direct speech
c- 3 similes
d- 1 metaphor
e- 2 examples of past perfect

I can’t believe I had bought this game, it was as bad as drugs! However, the seller told me:
-’’It’s totally worth it, it is a bestseller in Europe!’’
Therefore, I bought it. When I got home, I was absolutely amazed. Firstly, I turned
on my console, secondly, I put the CD on it. The beginning was incredible, shots and police sirens  were heard loudly. But the gameplay itself sucked! You began at war, you shot someone, but no one shot me back, it was as if I was Rambo, nevertheless, I kept on playing. The story wasn’t bad, but the game was horrible, it was full of errors, for example, I had shot an enemy three times with a shotgun as a maniac, and he didn’t die! My friends told me:
-”Man, this game is terrible, it’s so unreal”
-This mistake of the nature is bestseller in Europe? Really?

Finally, I made up my decision, I was going to return that terrible game. To be honest, I expected more from a game like that. I went to the shop and the man told me:
-”It’s a pity, such an amazing game to be returned”

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