miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

IGCSE language practice

Base your letter on what you have read in Passage A. Adress all three bullet points

  • describe the tour bus and the route
  • give your impressions of the driver and the office staff
  • recommend some actions the company should take to improve the experience
Begin your letter: "Dear Sir; I was recently a passanger on one of your tours..."

Dear Sir:
         I was recently a passanger on one of your tours and I'm writing this letter in order to make a complaint on the service I received.
    To begin with, the route taken was awful. It was not dynamic at all. Nothing to see, just an empty landscape. Secondly, the journey started after it was programmed because the tour-guide arrived late. Then about the tour bus, it was small in size and there wasn't much space to place the luggage. Moreover, there weren't seat-belts in it. And then, I might complain on the heavy, loud music that was played that prevented me from relaxing, but that's the driver's fault, and I'm going to express my discomfort against him.

Resultado de imagen para small tour bus This is how the bus that Elsie Clinch took might look like

    I had a bad impression on Starsky (that's the name he gave me). First of all, he was driving in flip-flops, and this is very dangerous for us, the passengers. Then, he said it wasn't necessary to have seat-belts if the vehicle was not under ten years old, and he perfectly knew this wasn't correct, as he studied law.
    And the last thing I'm complaining about is the office staff. They weren't able to explain to us on time that we had to move from one bus to another and I didn't have a good assistance when I reclaimed that there weren't seat-belts available.
    As a conclusion, I think that this company should improve its experience. My recommendations are simple. Hire better and more responsible drivers, improve the buses' size and add seat-belts and choose a better road to destination.
    Thanks for your attention,
                                            Elsie Clinch

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